
Monday, 19 August 2013

A Proposal to Remember for a Lifetime

It was Half Moon Bay, circa summer, 2006. The late summer sun beat down on Northern California like some tyrannical overlord. It was confusing for locals and tourists alike. Even the seals that frequent the rocky shores seemed too hot to do anything but rest on rocky shelves. The miles of beach scrub-bordered trails were starkly vacant, the sandy paths empty and to the untrained eye, lifeless.

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Bean Hallow State Beach is usually a bustling little beach. There are those ubiquitous grills you find at state parks everywhere, picnic tables, and the only real bathrooms for miles. Consummate Californians Jackie and Gavin were enjoying a picnic on a weekday morning. She was manning the grill and he was down on the beach, playing in the sand. Usually, he was the one to cook, it was his passion and his hobby, but for some reason he was more occupied by the Pacific this trip.

Idle smoke drifted up from the grill Jackie was manning when Gavin called her down to the beach. She clambered down the small cliffs and jogged down to the tide line. In the sand, he had penned his proposal, dotting the question of “Will you marry me?” with an intricate sandcastle bearing a jewelry box with a pearl and diamond engagement ring inside. Of course she said yes, but this really goes down in the book of proposals to remember, don't you think?


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