
Thursday, 12 December 2013

Insurance Appraisals Help You Avoid Hits to your Jewelry Values

Are you looking for the finest jewelry appraisal services in the Boston area this holiday season? If so, then visit Sachs Jewelers today and ask them about their professional and affordable insurance appraisals for all of your fine jewelry. New or old, every piece of jewelry needs to be current on its appraisal value. Most jewelers and insurance companies suggest having appraisals done once a year, at the very least.

Jewelry Insurance Grafton MA, Jewelry Insurance Services Auburn

Why is this? As the value of diamonds and gold go up, so should the coverage on your fine jewelry. Should something unfortunate happen to your jewelry, you are going to want to get the most value back from the incident. Being current on your jewelry insurance appraisals can help you get the most from your jewelry and avoid unnecessary hits to your wallet, should you have to replace any items. Be sure and have this done today before the holiday rush!


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